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The Orwell Youth Prize 2024

What does home mean to you? A physical space? A person? A memory? A town? A country? Our planet? A dream?

At a time when our idea of home seems under pressure, from the cost-of-living crisis and the housing crisis, to the plight of refugees and the climate crisis, we want you to write about what home means to you.

The Orwell Youth Prize is far more than just a Prize. Every young writer is offered personalised feedback from our volunteer readers. We also have resources and inspiration to help you on every step of your writing journey.

This year, we are opening the Prize to all secondary school students, including Year 7s. The Prize is open to anyone in years 7-13 who is at school or college in the United Kingdom.

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2024 Orwell Youth Prize Winners



Maxine Lee

Drifting Pillars

Mihika Bhattacharya

The Language of Home

Nethuli Weerakoon

Diagnosing Hunger: Then and Now

Frankie Mordecai



Florence Alsop

Love Behind Closed Doors

Benjamin McEwan

A Comforting Green



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