D. J. Taylor: The Road to 1984 (video)

Orwell biographer, D. J. Taylor, gives a short lecture to sixth-formers from across Norwich at Norwich School on 9th February 2010.


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYoOiBiPhPw&hd=1[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yR3a1xVmIU&hd=1[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB4156qfct0&hd=1[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkJtc9MfHEw&hd=1[/youtube]

D. J. Taylor was born in Norwich in 1960. He is the author of five novels, including English Settlement, which won a Grinzane Cavour prize, Trespass and The Comedy Man. He is also well-known as a critic and reviewer, and is the author of A Vain Conceit: British Fiction in the 1980s, After the War: The Novel and England since 1945 and an acclaimed biography, Thackeray. His critically acclaimed Orwell biography, Orwell: The Life (2003) won the Whitbread Biography Award, and he gave the 2005 Orwell Lecture entitled ‘Projections of the Inner “I”: George Orwell’s Fiction’. He is married with three children and lives in Norwich. Reproduced from Orwell: The Life (2003), by kind permission of the author.