Friday 16 September 2011
Johann Hari, who was awarded the Orwell Prize for Journalism 2008, has returned the Prize. This followed allegations about Hari’s journalism, and the completion of an investigation by The Independent.
Orwell Prize at The Times Cheltenham Literature Festival
- Saturday 15th October, 10am: ’Victorian Values’ with Shiv Malik and Owen Jones
- Sunday 16th October, 6pm: ‘The Political Network’ with Graeme Archer and Oliver Kamm
More on Orwell and Wodehouse
From the archive
From elsewhere
- Although not affiliated to us, we wish the first Letchworth George Orwell Festival the very best of luck with their remaining events…
- …which include two performances of Michael McEvoy’s one-man show about Orwell, ‘The Last Man in Europe’
- The Telegraph ran an obituary of Richard Webster, shortlisted for the Orwell Prize for Books 2006 for The Secret of Bryn Estyn
- Norman Geras at normblog interviewed previously longlisted and previously shortlisted blogger, Nelson Jones (Heresiarch)
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (in 19th place) and Animal Farm (42nd) made World Book Night’s top 100 list
- Congratulations to Rachel Shabi on being shortlisted for the Anna Lindh award, for an article which also got her shortlisted for the Orwell Prize for Journalism 2011
- Julian Barnes made the shortlist of this year’s Man Booker Prize – he wrote ‘Such, Such was Eric Blair’ for the New York Review of Books in 2009
- D. J. Taylor sadly missed out on the Booker shortlist for Derby Day, but you can read some of his excellent work on Orwell on our website
- An illustrated edition of Edmund de Waal’s longlisted The Hare with the Amber Eyes is to be published – read the first chapter of the original on our website
The Wartime Diaries
The next entry will be published on 14th March.
The Hop-Picking Diaries
The Wigan Pier Diaries
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