Shortlisted for blogposts published at Penny Red, LabourList, The Huffington Post, The F-Word, Liberal Conspiracy and Comment is Free.
A socialist, feminist, deviant, reprobate, queer, journalist, aspiring author, freelance copywriter and sometime blogger. She lives with toast-eating pagans in a little house somewhere in London out of a small red suitcase, smoking and drinking and plotting to subtly re-arrange the world to suit her ideals. Consumes too much tea. Regrets nothing.
Submitted blogposts
- France Tells Women What Not to Wear
- A Saturday morning vigil
- Beyond Noughtie Girls
- We could teach Harman a thing or two
- Can’t stop the blog: what the internet has done for ideas
- Creating the ‘Prime Mentalist’
- Moving towards solidarity
- Here, have this humourless festive rant!
- When our human worth is stamped on our bodies, our culture is deeply misogynistic
- Whipping boys: a post for International Fetish Day