Category: Long listsTTTT

Carl Gardner

Submitted blogposts published at Head of Legal, Comment is Free, The Wardman Wire and Anglotopia.

I write Head of Legal to explain developments in law, and the law behind the news, to an informed and interested but not necessarily legal audience. And because I can’t help thinking, writing and obsessing about law, particularly my specialisms in constitutional, public, human rights and European law and the way they interact with politics and society.

I’m a barrister, and worked as a government lawyer for twelve years, advising ministers and government departments on a wide range of public law issues from tax to terrorism, from freedom of information to pensions, from discrimination to health and from defence to broadcasting. My career in government included stints at the Cabinet Office, where I advised on the EU Constitution negotiations, and at the Attorney General’s Office where I advised Lord Goldsmith on a wide variety of legal issues. I have advised nearly every government department, from the Home Office to Health and from the Treasury to the MoD. I’ve left practice now, though, and work as a writer, lecturer and consultant.

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We must see justice done (more on rape and anonymity)

Cathy Newman

Channel 4 FactCheck goes behind the spin to dig out the truth and separate political fact from fiction.

Cathy Newman joined Channel 4 News in January 2006. Since arriving at the programme, her scoops have included the arrest of David Cameron’s aide Steve Hilton and the disclosure that illegal immigrants worked at the Home Office.

Cathy also runs the FactCheck blog, which sorts the facts from the spin and unpicks politicians’ claims and counter-claims. It has been cited in parliament, imitated by rivals, and loyally followed on Twitter.

Before Channel 4 News, Cathy worked for the Financial Times and The Independent.

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Dr Petra

I am a lecturer in International Health Services Research at a London university where I teach doctors, nurses and other health professionals at postgraduate level.

I regularly present at conferences in the UK and internationally, and complete research and training within the area of sex and relationships health.

I have a BA in Social Psychology (Sussex University), and a PhD is in Applied Human Psychology (Aston University). My PhD focused on the effects of sexually explicit material.

I have lectured at a number of UK universities, specialising in evidence based healthcare, and understanding research methodologies (both qualitative and quantitative).

My research has covered topics within the area of sexual health, including the effects of pornography, women involved in street prostitution, policy and practice in sex education, evaluating advice giving in the media, sexual functioning, and modernising sexual health services.

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Declan Walsh

Submitted articles published by The Guardian, The Observer and Granta.

Declan Walsh is The Guardian’s foreign correspondent for Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Andrew Gilligan

Submitted items published by the Sunday Telegraph, The Guardian and The Spectator, and broadcast by Channel 4 (with Steve Boulton and Jane Drinkwater).

Andrew Gilligan is Telegraph’s London editor. He writes, among other things, about London, Westminster and politics.

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London editor for the Sunday Telegraph. He writes, among other things, about London, Westminster and politics.

David Cohen

David Cohen is the chief feature writer at the Evening Standard.

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Rory Carroll

Rory Carroll is south America correspondent for The Guardian. His submitted articles were published by The Guardian and The Observer.

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Paul Waugh

Submitted blogposts published at Paul Waugh (Evening Standard) and The Waugh Room (PoliticsHome).

Paul joined PoliticsHome (as Editor) from the Evening Standard where he was Deputy Political Editor and wrote an award-winning news blog. Prior to that he was Deputy Political Editor of The Independent.

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Sunder Katwala

Submitted blogposts published by Next Left, The Staggers (New Statesman) and Left Foot Forward.

General Secretary of the Fabian Society, the leading centre-left think-tank and political society. Previously a leader writer at The Observer, research director at the Foreign Policy Centre and commissioning editor at Macmillan.

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David Osler

Submitted blogposts published at David Osler and Liberal Conspiracy.

This is a blog by David Osler, a London-based journalist and author. It aims to cover current British and international politics, economics, industrial relations and historical questions from an unorthodox Marxist standpoint. From time to time, I also write about various other enthusiasms, especially jazz, blues and 1970s rock music, or review books I have recently read.

I am a member of the Labour Party and Labour Representation Committee, but not uncritical of either. Sometimes I plug events or causes, but this blog is not intended to play a broad ‘noticeboard for the left’ role.

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Paul Mason

I’m Paul Mason, Newsnight’s economics editor, a job that takes me from Kenyan shanty towns to Russian hedge funds and Chinese factories. My blog is called Idle Scrawl. It veers wildly across the subject: from house prices, to global poverty; from deconstructing glib terminology to devastating critiques of the England football management. It is occasionally meant to be funny.

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Douglas Murray

Submitted articles published by Standpoint, The Spectator, Literary Review and Wall Street Journal Europe.

Douglas Murray is a bestselling author and political commentator, and director of the Centre for Social Cohesion. He is the co-author of ‘Hate on the State: How British Libraries encourage Islamic Extremism’ and ‘Victims of Intimidation: Freedom of Speech within Europe’s Muslim Communities.’ His books include Neoconservatism: Why We Need It.

Murray regularly appears in the British and foreign press and media. A columnist for Standpoint magazine, he writes for a variety of other publications, including the Sunday Times, Spectator and Wall Street Journal. He blogs at the Daily Telegraph.

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Jonathan Steele

Submitted articles published by The Guardian and the London Review of Books.

Jonathan Steele is a Guardian columnist, roving foreign correspondent and author. He was The Guardian’s bureau chief in Washington (1975 to 1979) and Moscow (1988 to 1994). In the 80s he reported from southern Africa, central America, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe. In the 90s he covered Kosovo and the Balkans. Since 9/11 he has reported from Afghanistan and Iraq as well as on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He has written several books on international affairs, including books on South Africa, Germany, eastern Europe, and Russia, including most recently Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq.

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Jack Shenker

Submitted articles published by Prospect, Guernica, The Observer, The Guardian and the New Statesman.

Jack Shenker is a London-born journalist who reports for The Guardian from Egypt. His work has covered India and Nepal, Central Asia, the Balkans, the US and Gaza, and has been published in a wide range of magazines and newspapers across the globe – including The Times, The Independent, the New Statesman and Monocle. He is currently based in Cairo and London.

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Dam Dilemma

Philip Collins

Philip Collins is a columnist and leader writer for The Times. He is also the chair of the board of trustees at the independent think tank Demos and a visiting fellow in the public policy unit at the University of Oxford. Before joining The Times he was the Chief Speech Writer for the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, the Director of the Social Market Foundation think tank and an Equity Strategist at two investment banks.

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Gideon Rachman

Gideon Rachman became chief foreign affairs columnist for the Financial Times in July 2006. He joined the FT after a 15-year career at The Economist, which included spells as a foreign correspondent in Brussels, Washington and Bangkok. He also edited The Economist’s business and Asia sections. His particular interests include American foreign policy, the European Union and globalisation. He is the author of Zero-Sum World, published by Atlantic Books in November 2010.

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Molly Bennett

Married to Max and mother of two teenage children, Molly Bennett works for a Labour MP and “celebrated” a significant birthday just days after the Party lost the General Election. According to Bridget Jones, Molly is a Smug Married – so why doesn’t she feel smug? Is she suffering from a Mid-Wife crisis, or has working for New Labour just taken its toll? Molly’s story begins in early May…..but where will this year take her?

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Anton Vowl

I was, for a while, just Anton Vowl, but in October 2010 I decided to end all of that. I enjoyed writing under an assumed name  as it gave a lot of freedom to be experimental and not to worry about being judged against whatever I’ve done in my ‘real’ life, but there comes a time when you feel like you have to just be yourself and not be afraid of the consequences, good or bad, of putting your own stupid giant face and your own rather bland name next to the things that you write.

So, I’m Steven Baxter, a not-very-good journalist from London, now based in Bristol, and a blogger on the media, and other stuff, here at Enemies of Reason. I started the blog back in 2007 as I was fed up with being drip-fed the same old nonsense, telling me things I knew were misleading or untrue, pushing certain stories at the expense of others, and feeding fear. I thought to myself: surely, there must be some room somewhere for an alternative voice? And I found it online, in blogs like Five Chinese Crackers and Chicken Yoghurt and Obsolete.

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