John Rentoul

John Rentoul is chief political commentator for The Independent on Sunday, and visiting fellow at Queen Mary, University of London, where he teaches contemporary history. Previously he was chief leader writer for The Independent. He has written a biography of Tony Blair, whom he admired more at the end of his time in office than he did at the beginning.

Taken from John Rentoul: Independent Blogs

Submitted posts

The Brace Position

The “Why Should I Tidy My Bedroom” Theory

Getting in touch with my inner Cromwell

Deceptiveness about Iraq

The Ridiculous Beatification of Brian Haw

A Higher Form of Something, Certainly

In (left-wing) praise of Tesco

George Osborne’s failure to buy gold cost up to £4.5bn

Another voice: Why Cameron had no choice but to fight

Banned List: the next 50

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