Dipping the reason stick in a fresh pile of steaming dog dirt and waving it in the general direction of woo woo.
I am a freelance IT consultant specialising in the development of software test strategies and managing the full software testing of complex systems. I write the satirical skeptical blog, “Science, Reason & Critical Thinking”, and am the co-founder and co-organiser of the Hampshire Skeptics Society and Winchester Skeptics in the Pub.
Submitted blogposts
- The Ladybird Book of Chiropractic Treatment & English Libel Law
- The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense
- Modern Science Map
- The Twat In The Hat
- Skeptic Park 3 featuring Dr. Evan Harris
- Mr. Credulous
- A Handy Alternative Therapy Flowchart
- Karma Kanics: The New Age Vehicle Well-Running Centre
- Pope Benedict Gets Comments
- comparetheideology.com