Clare Sambrook
Co-editor, OpenDemocracy
Clare Sambrook is a novelist, freelance journalist and a founder of the citizens’ campaign End Child Detention Now. Clare is a coeditor of OurKingdom, the UK section of OpenDemocracy where she runs the Shine A Light project. In 2010 she won both the Paul Foot Award and the Bevins Prize for outstanding investigative journalism. Taken from claresambrook.com
Articles submitted
The racist texts: What the Mubenga trial jury was not told – Open Democracy, 17/12/2014 Fail and prosper: how privatisation really works – Open Democracy, 06/03/2014 Nice work: G4S wins $118 million Guantánamo contract – Open Democracy, 12/08/2014 Gove’s own Operation Trojan Horse: the privatisation of our schools – Open Democracy, 16/07/2014 Man, 84, dies handcuffed in hospital: UK border control by the GEO Group – Open Democracy, 16/01/2014 One Man, Two Guvnors: the conflict at the heart of British justice – Open Democracy, 09/07/2014